How To Get To The Top
Search Engines And SEO
Google is smart and what use to work to rank a website no longer has the same impact in 2019 Google rolled out without a lot of warning and many business websites fell in rankings.
Google knows backlinks are valuable are important.
They are seen as popularity votes but they are also used to artificially boost a website’s rankings.
The old way of boosting a website was to add thousands of backlinks and often they were from spammy or low quality websites.
This all changed and now when a website has a backlink , it is important that the backlinks are high quality and from websites that would be a natural connection.
This could be from a website that is in the same category – a gardening site linking to a landscapers website.
Or – A website about finance is linked to an accountant’s website

Google Algorithms
Google needed something that can’t be manipulated to make a website more popular.
So, they came up with a new style of search engine using Artificial Intelligence (AI) that they called “Google Rank Brain”.
This technology is in place to watch behavioral trends and respond quickly so that Google can remain current and relevant when popular things are trending.
Content For SEO
Content, Content ,Content!
The more relevant information on your website that your potential customers want to read is the main way Google will find and trust your website. Websites that are trusted will rank higher and be suggested it to a person when they are searching for the services that you offer!
Google’s primary goal is to provide answers to questions that people ask and to solve problems.
Google wants people to trust the suggestions it offers.
When people click on your site and stay on your site to read the content then Google knows it has done the task that was asked. The great thing is that this is a search that you do not have to pay for – BUT you do have to work to earn it.
So if you have great content that your potential customers love, Google will naturally want to send more people your way so they can also have a good experience and keep trusting a Google Search.
So, the first thing you must focus on is having good relevant content that reads naturally.
The content must flow and NOT be stuffed full of keywords. Another way to help people to stay of your website is by using videos.
People will watch 6 minutes of video for every 1 minute they will read.
Read more about our content writing services here

Your Website Must Have These Pages To Rank On Google:
If you don’t have at least these pages…Google has stated that they will not rank a new website.
They consider anything less than this “thin content” and not worth sharing to others.

On Page Optimisation For SEO
Remember Google ranks website pages…Not the entire website.
The most important page on your website is your home page.
So, keep it simple and focus on a couple of keywords for each page.
You should have a minimum of 700 words on the page.
If you want to rank for more keywords, then you will need to add more content. Other things needed for on page optimisation are using Headings – H1 headings at the start or top of a page and this should contain your main keyword. Then through out the following content you use H2 and H3 headings and again a keyword should be used in a heading. Ideally you should have your main keywords mentioned 4 to 5 times only on each page and they will be in headings and in the content.

Backlinks For SEO
SEO Back Linking is still important and it is how google started and this has not changed. If you think about this in simple terms, if a website that is trusted in Googles eyes has a backlink pointing your website then Google sees that as a vote of confidence. Get enough trusted websites that are relevant to your website giving your site a backlink will tell Google that your site is popular. Google will want to share a popular websites with it’s users . However, this is only part of the ranking factor. Google knows links can be added by people with SEO Knowledge so they limit their impact on the final search ranking algorithm. We use methods such as guest posts, syndication and building buffer sites to get your website the powerful links but also keeping it safe from any Google updates.

Voice Searches
Voice Search is now starting to dominate searches especially with the younger demographic….”Hey Siri”! Artificial Intelligence has taken the world by storm and this is what powers a voice search. We all use it every day without thinking much about it, but it affects how searches are done. With the huge growth of Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Cortana, Apple’s Siri, and Google Assistant, the user’s search experience has changed in a pretty significant way. A way to help optimise your website for “voice search” is to use longer keywords. Keywords can be more detailed or specific• Content needs to have a conversational language • Content needs to be answering the questions that people ask in a voice search.

Page Speed Times
How fast does your website load? Google has entire algorithms based on the speed of your website rolled out July of 2018. This is called the “Google Speed Update” The first impressions count, your visitors will not wait around for your website to load so make it fast and efficient so they can quickly get what they need and get on with their lives. You can test your website speed and see what is slowing it down with this tool Make sure you optimize your images to be as small as possible. Large images slow down a website so the smaller the image files , the faster your site loads and this will make a big difference to making your website fast and loved by Google.

Mobile Friendly Website
Is your website mobile friendly?
More than 60% of users will find you on their mobile phones. Make it a good experience. It’s not only a good thing to do, but Critical if you want to rank higher. This is getting easier to do as page builders become more mobile responsive. Choose a website page builder that is mobile responsive and always check your site in the mobile view editor to ensure that it looks great on a mobile phone.